7. Science-Policy discussion panel “What can the Arctic learn from the European Union’s Resilience Strategy?”

Chairs: Alexander Sergunin, Sergey Nikonorov, Ruben Mnatsakanian

May 28, 14:00 – 15:30 and 16:00 – 17:00 (Auditorium DUSSELDORF)

First author



Paper title

Evgeniy Gololobov 

Surgut State Pedagogical University


Global North: the environmental history of the Arctic and subarctic territories (on the example of the Yamal-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi autonomous okrugs) as the educational project

Timur Nizamutdinov, Denis Alexeev 

Russian State Hydrometeorological University


Experience of using European criterion for health risk assessment for Arctic cities

Alexander Lebedev,
Sergey Nikonorov 

NRU Higher School of Economics


Arctic educational-scientific centres: Russian Universities approach

Ekaterina Utkina,
Sergey Nikonorov

Lomonosov Moscow State University


Arctic Investment Climate

Nikonorov Sergey

Lomonosov Moscow State University


About project work in the study of sustainable development of countries, regions, cities and companies of the Arctic zone

Dolgan Nudleyev,
Sergey Nikonorov 

Lomonosov Moscow State University


Development of the Arctic zone

Alexander Sergunin 

St. Petersburg State University


Applying EU standards to planning Russian Arctic cities' sustainable development strategies: challenges and opportunities

Alexey Knizhnikov 

WWF Russia


Priority environmental tasks in the context of economic development of Russian Arctic. Options for the East-West cooperation

Olga Potasheva 

Institute of Economics Karelian research center of RAS


Retrospective analysis of water pollution in Finland: factors improving environmental performance