During the period March 16-20 the module on Baltic dimension of EU policies and relevant management tools was piloted at Pskov State University for the 3-d year students of BSc programm in Biology (minor in Bioecology).
The module was introduced in the frame of the "Biodiversity govermance" course and included two parts. The firts part was dedicated to water resource governance in the Baltic region with particular emphasis to transboundary water bodies. The second part was devoted to nature conservation, establishment of protected areas and development of ecological networks. The particular sessions were focused on European achivements in development of protected areas network and opportunities for Russia to integrate its protected areas into the European system.
The module was finished with the role game - Biogeographical seminar game, which aimed to discuss the possibilities and obstacles for development of Emerald network at the territory of the Pskov region.
The sessions were led by Ruben Zondervan (Lund University), Kalev Sepp (Estonian Univeristy of Life Sciences), Anton Shkaruba, Viktar Kireyeu (Erda Research, Technology, Innovation, The Netherlands), Olga Likhacheva, Tatiana Vasileva (Pskov State University, Russia).
Project team
Псковский государственный университет:
180000, Псков, площадь Ленина, дом 2.
Телефон: +7(8112) 201-699.
Электронная почта: rector@pskgu.ru
Студенческий МФЦ:
180000, Псков, площадь Ленина, дом 2, каб. 1,
вход со стороны университетского сквера
Телефон: +7(8112) 201-696.
Электронная почта: mfc@pskgu.ru
Приемная комиссия:
180000, Псков, площадь Ленина, дом 2, каб. 1,
вход со стороны университетского сквера
Телефон +7(8112) 201-695.
Электронная почта: priem@pskgu.ru